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Frequently asked questions

How many times i can apply for job?

In our international job Portal you can apply infinite jobs all over the world

what is the salary range of digital marketing profile job role?

salary is depend on the company and your experience and skills. all companies have different salary ranges.

What's your recruitment charge for candidate who apply for job?

We don't charge any amount from the candidate it absolutely fee of cost for candidaate.

How do I get updates about my applied job?

after signup / login in jobHizmet provide you a dashboard there you can get all the details about your applied jobs and many more information you get from there.

How do i get jobs i am a completely graduated passout fresher?

We are a international job portals we have all types of vacancy for fresher also you can apply in our website we will make sure you get your dream first job with in a week.

How i can upload my cv for job ?

You have 2 option to upload your CV
1, you can direct apply for the job role their you get a option to upload your Cv .
2. by click on this link you can upload your CV,